isSMTP(); $mail->Host = ''; $mail->SMTPAuth = true; $mail->Username = ''; $mail->Password = 'hico@2021#'; $mail->SMTPSecure = 'tls'; $mail->Port = 587; $mail->AddReplyTo($reply_to_email, $sender_name); $mail->setFrom($from_email, $sender_name); $mail->addAddress(''); //$mail->addBCC(''); $mail->isHTML(true); $mail->Subject = "Enquiry from ".$name; $mail->Body ="

Hi Admin,

Please check the below Enquiry details.

Name : ".$name."

Email ID : ".$email."

Contact Number: ".$phone."

Message : ".$message."

"; $mail->SMTPOptions = array( 'ssl' => array( 'verify_peer' => false, 'verify_peer_name' => false, 'allow_self_signed' => true ) ); if( $mail->send()){ $result="Thank you for your enquiry. We will get you shortly !!!"; }else{ $result="Try later"; } } ?> Hico Enterprises | Korean based Designing and fabrication engineering

Our Products

Single Bunker Cot
Storage Rack
HD CCTV Camera
Hydraulic Scissor
Electric Hoist
Electric Rope Hoist
Air Hoist
Double Bunker Cot
Student Bench
Seater Bench
Gantry Crane
Goods Lift
KBK System
Jib Crane
EOT Crane
Belt Conveyor
Partition Work
Cable Tray Installation
Overhead Conveyor
Chain Conveyor
Light Track System
Electrical Work
Product Trolley
Writing Chair
Pipeline Work